Gin is an alcohol that has been around for centuries and has a very interesting relationship with us through the years. The main ingredient is the juniper berry and in the past the use of juniper berries were mostly for medicinal purposes. There are mentions throughout history and from different cultures of the use of juniper berries as a medicine to treat various diseases.
Where does Gin come from?
In the 13th Century, we found the first mentions of a juniper alcohol spirit called Genever, the ancestor of Gin. Genever is a spirit made by a Dutch merchant at the time, that contains juniper berries. The Genever spirit was later taken on by the company Bols who still manufacture it to this day.
16th – 17th Century
During the 80 year war, Genever spirit gains success with the English soldiers giving it the name “Dutch Courage”. They drink it before going into battle. The Genever is then brought back to England, giving birth to English Gin.
18th Century
The “Gin Craze” in London
At that time, Gin is considered to be the alcohol of the poor; it was by far more accessible financially than French brandy. In Mid 18th Century, the majority of English spirits was distilled in London and the larger part of it being Gin.
Gin could be found in taverns, Gin shops and streets, which lead to an increase consumption by the penniless workmen. Gin was cheap, strong and far more available. This lead to a raging alcoholism bringing the new term for Gin – “Mothers ruin”.
Photo : Studio Cerise – Laura Jonneskindt

To bring a halt to this, a 3rd Gin Act was passed 1736 where high taxes on Gin were imposed, such as licenses for selling distilled spirits and duties to be paid by the gallon. This act was abolished in 1742.
19th – 20th Century.
The birth of the Gin Tonic
Abroad, in the tropical British colonies, quinine was used as an anti-malaria medicine. The bitterness of the quinine did not sit too well with the British, in order to make it more drinkable Gin was added to the tonic water hence the birth of Gin Tonic.
The 20th century also saw the birth of a new type of Gin – “Bathtub Gin”. This was during the prohibition era in the US, speakeasy and moonshiners, made gin from their bathtubs. The gin was made through infusion in metallic bathtubs.
Gin renaissance and the era of the craft Gins.
Gin has seen a revival, as more Gin brands appear around the world. The world of cocktails and mixology has been a big part of it, as different types and flavours of Gin enable bartenders creativity in building new cocktails and recipes.
Gin being a spirit with a relatively few legislation restrictions, it allows distillers to bring out their creativity and also creates gin of “terroir”. Gins with uniqueness from particular countries or regions around the world.
Our Mistello Gin is distilled in Le Vadrouilleur distillery in Sault in Haute Provence. It is based on plants of local origin, focussing on our beautiful organic lavender. It is a distilled gin with floral notes; it is made more complex thanks to aromas of citrus and hot spices.
The happy combination of local agriculture and our know-how in distillation.
How to find our Gin: